Mission TITAN

Mission TITAN

Team teachers/Directors: Mrs Demetrious & Mr. Geraci
Unit: Titans Unit/6th Grade

Introduction Objective Count Down Information Links Picture Links Teacher Links

Mission TITAN
Mission TITAN


NASA is planning to send a new satellite to space on January 6th. The satellite, TITAN, will be traveling around the entire universe collecting data from everywhere it goes. You have just been hired by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) as a highly educated expert in your field of study. Your directors, Mrs. Demetrious and Mr. Geraci brought you on board because of your wealth of knowledge about your topic, that you will present to the entire group. We need to know about some of the areas that TITAN will be heading. Good luck with your research and we look forward to learning from your expertise.


You are to pick a topic from one of the 25 given. Your job is to research with books and the internet and create a PowerPoint to present to the class on your topic. You are to become an "Expert" so when your topic comes up in science class you can add to any discussions in class. You will also create a report about your topic that will be handed into your directors by the launch date.

The Count Down has begun:

Misson TITAN is planned to launch Janurary 6th, 2006. At that point you will hand in your essay and have completed your PowerPoint that will be presented to the other sciencetists the following week. If you have any questions please contact your directors.

Information Links:

Amazing Space Web
This out-of-this-world site offers space-related activities that are both educational and entertaining.
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration & STScI

Astro Bulletin
My stars! Check out these stories about several amazing astronomical events.
Source: American Museum of Natural History

Astronomy Picture of the Day
Every day, see a different view of our universe, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
Source: NASA & Michigan Tech. University

Cosmic Mystery Tour
Find out what scientists know today about the origin of the universe and how advances in technology have changed our understanding of space.
Source: Board of Trustees, University of Illinois

Earth & Sky
Tonight's sky-watching forecast and feature science articles for kids are just a few of the features you can find here.
Source: Byrd & Block Communications, Inc.

How Do You Become an Astronaut?
Find out what it takes to make it into outer space.
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Hubble Telescope Public Information
Peek through the lens of one of history's most powerful telescopes for fantastic pictures, movies, animations and more.
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration & STScI

Imagine the Universe
Get a glimpse into the mysteries of our universe. Learn about how it's evolving and the various objects it contains.
Source: Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA - Imagine the Universe

NASA for Students 5-8

The Nine Planets
Mythology, science and history come together on this multimedia tour of the solar system.
Source: William A. Arnett

Science Odyssey: Physics and Astronomy
How has the science of astronomy changed since the early 1900s? Discover the history and revelations that occurred during the past century.
Source: PBS

Solar System
If you're looking for the straight, simple facts on our solar system and its planets and their moons, you've come to the right place.
Source: KidsAstronomy.com

Check out these amazing pictures and facts about the weather in space.
Source: Dr. Tony Phillips

Why is the Sky Dark at Night?
Who turned out the lights? Find out why the sky is dark at night.
Source: Paul Lutus

Picture Links:Nasa
Home of the Hubble Space Telescope

NASA picture of the day archive

Animation is provided by
