Friday Sept 13

Friday Sept 13
Posted on 09/13/2024

News from the SBHS Athletic Department

We will now be accepting sports forms for the winter season tryouts. The forms must be dated and signed no earlier than September 5, 2024. The deadline to submit winter sports forms is Thursday, October 24, 2024. Please get your child's sports forms in early to avoid delays in processing. Forms will not be accepted after the deadline. (Please note that if your child wishes to try out for a winter sport, new sports forms are due for each season.)

The only forms that will be accepted are the forms currently posted in the handbook on page 19.

Please refer to the Athletic Handbook- Grades 6-12 "2024-2025" for more information. Pages 17-19 has physical form information and also instructions for the sports interest form. Pages 3 and 4 have tryout dates for high school and middle school sports. 

A black dropbox will be outside by the high school gym entrance for the collection of high school sports forms only

Middle School forms can be placed in the black dropbox outside the middle school  your child attends. The dropbox will be outside from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday with the exception of weekends and school holidays.