Crossroads describes our school. The middle school years are a time of great physical, emotional, social and intellectual change. Our students are literally at a crossroads in their development from childhood to adolescence. The staff continuously strives to help children to learn about and adapt to their changing minds and bodies.
We are a learning community of 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who are organized into eight groups called Units. Each Unit has its specific identity and is intended to serve as a personalized learning environment. The core curriculum includes courses in Literature, Composition, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. All students complete the first year course in Spanish, French or Latin. Special education and Basic Skills programs provide enhancements to the core curriculum. This core is supported by electives where children explore music, art, home arts, graphic arts, computer applications, video communication and tech explorations. Physical education, health, counseling, nursing and library media information services, complete the program. We offer co-curricular choices in athletics, publications and special interest activities.
Active, hands-on project based learning, with youngsters working independently and in cooperative groups is evident everywhere. Displays of student work cover the walls. Students engage in interdisciplinary learning as they write in math journals, develop science lab reports, and draft persuasive papers in social studies. Research about current issues is a required part of learning in social studies and science. Technology is available in classrooms and the Library/Media Center to support all phases of student and staff learning.
The Saturday Review, (February 1970) featured Crossroads as a leader in middle school education. Today, the school continues to receive honors such as the National Blue Ribbon Award for Excellence, the Governor's Grant For Development of Integrated Learning and special mention in the Carnegie Council Report, Turning Points, which describes our school practices as the model for middle school education. Our success comes from a talented staff that understands the needs of students and creates successful learning activities. We are a Crossroads TEAM where Together Everyone Achieves More.