Alcohol and Other Drug Procedures
The Board of Education recognizes that a pupil's dependency on, or use and/or abuse of harmful substances such as drugs, alcohol and tobacco, seriously impedes that pupil's education and threatens the welfare of the family and the entire school community. The Board further recognizes that this is a treatable health problem, and is committed to the rehabilitation of substance users by educational and therapeutic means, but will take necessary and appropriate steps to protect the school community from harm and exposure to harmful substances.
Reporting, notification and examination procedures for students suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Procedures designed in compliance with
New Jersey Administrative Code - Programs to Support Student Development
N.J.A.C 6A:16-4.3 and N.J.S.A. 18A:40A-12
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Any staff member to whom it appears that a student may be currently under the influence or in possession of alcohol or other drugs on school grounds, including on a school bus or at a school-sponsored function, shall report the matter immediately to an administrator, certified school nurse, non-certified school nurse or student assistance counselor.
Whenever any staff member shall have reason to suspect that a student has used or may be using anabolic steroids, that person shall report the matter immediately to an administrator, certified school nurse, non-certified school nurse or student assistance counselor.
Note: Unlike in cases of suspicion of under the influence, it is only necessary to suspect that a student is involved in using anabolic steroids and not "under the influence at that moment."
In instances where an administrator, nurse or student assistance counselor is not in attendance, the staff member responsible for the school function shall be immediately notified. (See Procedures for School Related Functions)
Any educational or non-educational school staff member who in good faith reports a student to the principal or his or her designee in compliance with the provisions of subsection 6A:16-4.3 shall not be liable in civil damages as a result of making such a report, as specified in N.J.S.A. 18A-13 and 14.
Any time a staff member or other professional reports a suspicion of a student under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or use of anabolic steroids, the following shall occur:
- Parent/Guardian Notification - An administrator shall immediately notify the student's parent or guardian and provide for appropriate care of the student until the parent or guardian arrives.
- Medical Emergency - If symptoms are considered severe enough to endanger the physical welfare of the student and constitute a medical emergency, the school nurse or designee shall immediately accompany the student to the nearest hospital emergency room by ambulance. The school will notify a parent/guardian and direct them to go directly to the emergency room.
- Substance Screening - If not deemed a medical emergency, a screening for substances shall be taken by the school nurse within one hour of the initial report. The screening may be in the form of a urine screening, saliva test, or both. The student will be required to empty his/her pockets and belongings. An administrator will also search the student's locker and vehicle (if applicable).
- Medical Examination - The student is required to be taken immediately for a medical examination by a physician of their choice (within 2 hours of the parent/guardian contact.) The medical examination must be performed by a physician licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy.
If the student's choice of physician is unable to conduct a medical exam within 2 hours, the parent or guardian will be given a list of urgent care facilities that provide walk-in services. The medical exam shall be at the expense of the parent/guardian.
If a student does not have health insurance, the student will be referred to the school physician and the cost of the examination will be at the district's expense.
- Parent/Guardian Unavailable - If the parent/guardian is not available, the school nurse, administrator and/or other designee will accompany the student to the school physician for a medical examination.
- Student Admits Substance Use - If a student is suspected of being under the influence and admits use, the above procedures will continue to be carried out. The student will be considered in violation of the district's policy and disciplinary and supportive actions will apply.
- Tampering - Any attempt, by any person to alter the results of any test will be considered a violation and disciplinary and supportive actions will apply. In addition, a referral will be made to the appropriate authorities.
- Medical Report -
A written report of the medical examination shall be furnished to a school administrator by the examining physician within 24 hours of the referral of the student for suspected alcohol or other drug use. The findings of the report shall verify whether the student's alcohol or other drug use interferes with his or her physical and mental ability to perform in school.
If the written report of the medical examination and the substance screening results verify that alcohol or other drugs do not interfere with the student's physical and mental ability to perform in school, the student shall return to school the next day.
If the written report is not submitted within 24 hours of the referral of the student for suspected alcohol or other drug use, the student shall be allowed to return to school until such time as a positive determination of alcohol or other drug use is received from the physician.
- Student Refusal or Failure to Comply - If the student does not comply with the procedures above, they will be considered in violation of the district's Alcohol and Other Drug policy. Procedures and consequences under the section, "If Alcohol/ Drug/ Anabolic Steroids/ Paraphernalia, Use/Possession is Confirmed," will apply. In addition, in order to return to school, the student must submit to a substance screening through the school's health office and must be medically cleared by a physician to return to school.
Refusal to submit to a substance screening and/or a medical examination will result in suspension and possible referral to the Superintendent for consideration of expulsion.
- Parent/Guardian Refusal or Failure to Comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A.18A:40A-12 and these procedures shall be treated as a policy violation of the Compulsory Education Act, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25 and 31, and child neglect laws, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9:6-1 et seq. This can result in a referral to the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS).
A Violence, Vandalism and Substance Abuse Incident Report shall be completed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:17-46 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.3. If Alcohol/ Drug/ Anabolic Steroids/ Paraphernalia, Use/Possession is ConfirmedFirst Infraction:
- The administrator will inform the student's parent/guardian.
- The student will be suspended for up to 10 days.
- The student must be examined and medically cleared by the district's school physician before returning to school.
- Incidents of possession will be reported to the police.
- The administrator will notify the student assistance counselor, guidance counselor and case manager.
- Loss of privileges can be applied for up to 45 days. This could include loss of parking privileges and involvement in all extra-curricular activities including athletic events.
- The student assistance counselor will complete a full assessment and make recommendations for appropriate interventions or further evaluation. The student must comply with this process. In order to facilitate a thorough assessment, parents/guardians are expected to work with the student assistance counselor. Support and referral services are also available to parents/guardians. Privacy is maintained according to Federal Confidentiality Regulations (42CFR)
- If outside treatment is not required, the student must complete an education and prevention program with the student assistance counselor.
- Based on the assessment, the school may require further evaluation by a New Jersey State Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC). The parent/guardian will be responsible for all costs of evaluations and recommended treatment outside of school.
- If treatment with an outside agency/provider is recommended the student and their parent/guardian must sign a release of information so that the provider can communicate with the school's student assistance counselor. This is for the purpose of verifying participation, monitoring treatment progress and coordinating support services in school. The parent/guardian is responsible for the cost of the treatment program.
- The student must complete a minimum of one calendar year of random substance screenings through the school's health office. Any positive results will be considered another violation. Consequences for subsequent violations may apply.
- Non-compliance by the student with any of the above may result in consideration for expulsion.
- Parent/Guardian Refusal or Failure to Comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A.18A:40A-12 and these procedures shall be treated as a policy violation of the Compulsory Education Act, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25 and 31, and child neglect laws, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9:6-1 et seq. This can result in a referral to the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS).
Second Infraction:
- Ten days of suspension
- Referral to the Superintendent for consideration of placement in an alternative education program.
- Consideration of referral to the Superintendent for an expulsion hearing.
- Minimum of additional (1) calendar year of random substance screenings. Any positive results will be considered another violation. Consequences for subsequent violations may apply.
- Completion of a comprehensive substance and mental health evaluation with a licensed, clinical alchohol/drug counselor. The student and their parent/guardian must sign a release of information so that the provider can communicate with the school's student assistance counselor. Recommendations must be reported in writing to the student assistance counselor.
- The student is expected to follow any recommendations from the evaluation. The student assistance counselor will provide support services and will monitor the student's progress in following evaluation recommendations. Privacy is maintained according to Federal Confidentiality Regulations (42CFR).
- Loss of privileges will be applied for up to 60 days. This includes loss of parking privileges and involvement in all extra-curricular events/activities.
- Non-compliance by the student with any of the above may result in consideration for expulsion.
- Parent/Guardian Refusal or Failure to Comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A.18A:40A-12 and these procedures shall be treated as a policy violation of the Compulsory Education Act, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25 and 31, and child neglect laws, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9:6-1 et seq. This can result in a referral to the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS).
Subsequent Infractions:
The student will be suspended for 10 days and the matter will be referred to the Superintendent.
Consequences may include:
- Placement in an alternative education program
- Referral to the Board of Education for an expulsion hearing
Note: All infractions are considered cumulative from year to year.
Selling, Distributing Alcohol or Other Drugs
Any staff member who suspects or has knowledge that a student may be selling or distributing alcohol or other drugs on school grounds, including on a school bus or at a school-sponsored function, shall report the matter as soon as possible to an administrator.
If selling/distributing is confirmed the following will occur:
- The administrator will notify the police.
- The administrator will contact the student's parent/guardian.
- The same procedures for a medical exam and screening will be followed as in the section, "Reporting, notification and examination procedures for students suspected of being under the influence" on page 1.
- The student will be suspended for 10 days pending the outcome of a Board of Education hearing. Expulsion or placement in an alternative education program will be considered.
- The administrator will notify the student assistance counselor, guidance counselor and case manager.
- Loss of privileges will be applied for up to 45 days. This includes loss of parking privileges and involvement in all extra-curricular activities including athletic events.
- The student assistance counselor will complete a full assessment and make recommendations for appropriate interventions or further evaluation. The student must comply with this process. In order to facilitate a thorough assessment, parents/guardians are expected to work with the student assistance counselor. Support and referral services are also available to parents/guardians. Privacy is maintained according to Federal Confidentiality Regulations (42CFR).
- If outside treatment is not required, the student must complete an education and prevention program provided by a student assistance counselor or the School Based Youth Services Program.
- Based on the assessment results, the school may require further evaluation by a New Jersey State Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC). The student and their parent/guardian must sign a release of information so that the provider can communicate with the school's student assistance counselor. Recommendations must be reported in writing to the student assistance counselor.
The parent/guardian will be responsible for all costs of evaluations and recommended treatment outside of school.
- If the student is recommended for treatment with an outside agency/provider, a release of information must be signed to verify participation and treatment progress. The parent/guardian is responsible for the cost of the treatment program.
- The student must complete a minimum of one calendar year of random substance screenings through the school's health office. Any positive results will be considered a subsequent violation. Consequences for subsequent violations may apply.
Procedures at School Related Functions
Outside of Regular School Day
(For Chaperones, Advisors, Coaches, etc.)
Reporting, Notification and Examination Procedures for student suspected of being under the influence, in possession, selling or distributing alcohol or other drugs at a school related function after school hours or off school property.
- The staff member shall contact the event leader or administrator immediately.
- Provisions should be made to secure the safety of the student and a staff member should be with the student at all times.
- The administrator or event leader shall notify the parent/guardian as soon as possible. The parent/guardian will transport the student to the appropriate medical personnel/emergency room or parent/guardian's physician of choice for an emergency medical examination and substance screening. Parents/guardians are responsible for the cost of the examination and screening.
- The administrator or event leader will provide parents/guardians with:
- The examining physician statement form that must returned to the nurse's office the next school day.
- A copy of the district's substance policy and related state codes.
- If unable to contact a parent or guardian within an hour of the report, call 911.
- The administrator or event leader will call 911 under the following circumstances:
- If the student presents symptoms or behaviors that may be medically dangerous to themselves or others.
- If the student is uncontrollable.
- If the student must be transported by ambulance and a parent/guardian cannot be contacted:
- The administrator or event leader shall assign a designee to accompany the student to the nearest medical facility. The designee should follow in a separate vehicle if possible.
- The staff member will continue attempting to contact a parent/guardian to notify them and instruct them to meet their child at the medical facility.
- The designee shall remain with student until a parent/guardian arrives.
- In cases of possession or consumption or distribution of substances, the administrator or event leader shall immediately notify the police or security.
- The administrator or event leader shall notify the Principal or designee and Student Assistance Counselor as soon as possible.
- A written report shall be filed by the reporting staff member to the appropriate Assistant Principal as soon as possible.
- If it is later confirmed that the student violated the policy, supportive services and disciplinary actions will be implemented.
Tobacco Use or Possession on
School Property or at School Related Functions
- Staff should report any suspicion of tobacco use or possession to an administrator
- A discipline report will be filed with the appropriate administrative office
- Possession of tobacco products will result in: parent/guardian contact, confiscation and appropriate disciplinary actions.
If tobacco use is confirmed:
1st Offense - One day of In School Suspension (ISS), parent/guardian contact and a complaint will be filed with municipal court
2nd Offense - 3 days of ISS, parent/guardian contact, referral to the SAC and complaint will be filed with municipal court
Services for Students and Parents/Guardians
Student volunteers information about personal use (and is not suspected of being under the influence)
Student expresses concern about substance abuse of another student (not suspected of being under the influence)
Student is affected by a family member's substance abuse