The South Brunswick School District believes that all students should have access to technology when they act in a responsible, efficient, courteous and legal manner. Internet access and other online services, available to students and teachers, offer a multitude of global resources. Our goal in providing these services is to enhance the educational development of our students. Acceptable uses of technology are devoted to activities that support teaching and learning.
All students must have a signed Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement on file in order to use the school technology. This document is signed by both the student and parent or guardian. During the Summer 2012, District officials revised the AUP agreements based on the Children’s Internet Protection and Protecting Children in the 21st Century Acts. The AUPs now include statements regarding safe and respectful social networking as well as expectations for ethical behavior in the cyber world.
As a result of this revision, all District students will be required to sign and return an AUP form for the school year.
Acceptable Use Agreement for Parents of Grades 6-12 Students
Click here to read about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (F.E.R.P.A)