Student Handbook/Code of Conduct

Welcome to Crossroads Middle School

The need for a safe, orderly and caring school environment is fundamental to the achievement of a quality education. The policies and procedures included in this Crossroads Student-Parent Handbook are designed to create that environment. They establish expected norms of behavior for the school community and provide a basis for the creation of an atmosphere in which learning can flourish.

Our policies are reviewed and updated each year. Because you are expected to both know and follow the rules and regulations of the school, we ask that you please read the Code of Conduct(embedded within the handbook) and both share and discuss the information with your family.

We look forward to sharing a partnership of excellence with every member of our school community. The Crossroads Middle School Community - students, parents/guardians, and staff - all share in the responsibility for creating a great school. If we all commit ourselves to that purpose, we shall guarantee a successful year.

Crossroads Administrative Team